Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

C# yield return

Wenn eine yield return -Anweisung im Iterator erreicht wir wird ein expression-Ausdruck zurückgegeben, und die aktuelle Position im Code wird beibehalten. When a yield return statement is reached in the iterator metho expression is returne and the current location in code is retained. Execution is restarted from that location the next time that the iterator function is called.

Quote from MSDN The yield keyword signals to the compiler that the method in which it appears is an iterator block. Yield return is similar to a return statement (which passes control flow to the calling method), followed by a goto to the yield statement in the next iteration of the foreach.

Consider the list of Prime Numbers, or an infinite list of random numbers. The yield break statement can be used in try or catch block but not in finally block. Der Grund dafür ist, dass die GetAllAnimals-Methode keine Sammlung von Tieren zurückgibt. Es gibt einen Enumerator zurück, der in der Lage ist, ein Tier auf einmal zurückzugeben. Mich hat mal interessiert, wie sich yield return Performance-mäßig so verhält im Vergleich zum Arbeiten mit einer Liste.

Dabei kamen sehr interessante Resultate zum Vorschein. Es wurden mehrere Fälle betrachtet: 1. Yield return key-phrase that is used to return a value of the collection instead of returning the full list.

It can be explained with example of watching a video. Yield is like streaming the video, while typical implementation is like downloading it. This phrase interacts with foreach loop, it iterates through collection of items, returns an. Return is the financial gain or loss on an investment.

Yield measures the income, such as interest and dividends, from an investment and is expressed as a percentage. Kann jemand das Yield -Keyword erklären? Ich verwende LINQ nicht. Knowing how the compiler translates your code helps you to understand the code better and it also helps you in troubleshooting. When the yield return statement is reache the current location is stored.

Instead of generating all values, then returning those values for FindOne() to loop over. This behavior occurs because yield only enumerates values when needed. Our yield method only returns the next value whenever it is requested. Yield only returns the next value in the iteration when it is requested. A)가 다시 루프를 돌아 다음 값을 메서드(B)에 요청하면, 메서드의 기억된 위치 다음 문장부터 실행하여 다음 yield 문을 만나 값을 리턴한다.

In our example, FindOne() enters the foreach loop and starts the first loop. При обращении к оператору yield return будет сохраняться текущее местоположение. Segue um exemplo, onde yield return é utilizada para retornar uma lista de.

Tuples are a way to temporarily group multiple values together. There is syntactic support for passing multiple inputs to a metho but you can only return a single output from a method. IEnumerable, ou seja um iterator. The addition of tuples makes inputs and outputs symmetric by allowing multiple outputs from a method.

Yield () eignet sich daher nicht für Hintergrundarbeiten im UI-Thread. In der Tat müssen Sie sehr selten einen Hintergrundprozess im UI-Thread ausführen, manchmal aber auch, z. Hervorheben der Editor-Syntax, Rechtschreibprüfung usw. Verwenden Sie in diesem Fall die inaktive Infrastruktur des Frameworks. W tym wpisie zajmę się omówieniem polecenia yield , udostępnionego w wersji 2. Do czego służy ta instrukcja? Dzięki niej możemy tworzyć tzw.

If a calling function starts foreach-ing over this object the function is called again until it “yields”. MSDN所查,聊下yield关键字,它是我们简化迭代器的关键. Using Yield With IAsyncEnumerable.

При наличии оператора yield return внутри метода компилятор строит на основе данного метода конечный автомат. Por uma questão de legado a sintaxe dele é sempre yield return, o mais usado, ou yield break. O primeiro encerra o funcionamento de um método retornando um valor para quem chamou como é de se esperar de um return.

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